Sam Hunt Influenced By Traditional Country Music

By: Cheryl Johnstone


Country Music News

While his music to date might not reflect it, Sam Hunt loves traditional country music and would even like to venture down that road sometime in the future.

There are some aspects of his upcoming sophomore album where Sam said he borrowed a page from that influence.

“There’s a simplicity in some of the production which I’m actually still working out but I think there will be a simplicity in the approach musically. If it were up to me I might just put out acoustic guitar and vocals on every song but I know I can’t really do that so if think if anything the sparseness of the production on this record might reflect some of that influence, but, no, I’d still like to in the future kind of dive into that a little more and even make a record that might be in that direction but I feel like that’s probably down the road.”

Sam is closing in on the top of the charts with his current single, “Kinfolks.” The song will be included on his upcoming project, although no release date has yet been announced.

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