Jay DeMarcus Has Advice For Young Muscians

By: Cheryl Johnstone


Country Music News

Rascal Flatts is arguably one of the most successful bands in country music history, and with 20 years under their belts, they have a lot of wisdom to share with others who might want to follow in their footsteps.

Jay DeMarcus said it’s pretty simple.

“I think the best piece of advice that you could give anybody is don’t suck. No, for me, it’s be true to yourself, don’t try to follow trends, hone your craft, be as good as you can and don’t be afraid to grow. I think that’s the thing. Even artists that have been around for a while get complacent and set in their ways and think they have it all figured out, and aren’t really open to learning new things and to growing and changing with the times, and opening themselves up to a different way of doing things. You know, it’s okay to collaborate with different people you never thought you’d see yourselves collaborating with. And so, just constantly learning and constantly trying to be the best you can be at what you do specifically, I think is the best thing in the world that you can do as an artist.”

Rascal Flatts’ latest song, “How They Remember You,” is a top 30 hit and still climbing, and while they declared 2020 to be their last year as a band, that was all pre-pandemic, so they’re not sure what the future holds, but they’ve definitely got some surprises in store for their fans over the next six months.

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