Garth Brooks Is Touring Again, And He Won’t Raise Ticket Prices

By: Cheryl Johnstone


Country Music News

Garth Brooks is moving full steam ahead with his tour, and tickets are selling like crazy.

But the COVID-19 pandemic isn’t over, so musical acts will be saddled with extra expenses to help ensure the health and safety of fans.

Some musicians might raise ticket prices to cover those costs, but Garth isn’t.

An average ticket is still going for around $95, just like they were pre-pandemic.

“You’re either going to make an absurd amount of money or you’re going to make a lesser absurd amount of money . . . I can’t imagine raising the ticket prices to make sure [I] keep making the absurd amount of money.  My thing is:  If we make 100% of each ticket . . . and because of the Covid regulations and restrictions that we have to put in and pay for, we make 95% . . . I’m more than OK with that.”

Garth also refused to talk about what happens if things get bad again, and he gets shut down.

He said his managers have a plan, but he’s focused on looking forward.

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