Ashley McBryde (Photo by Eric Ryan Anderson)

Ashley McBryde Dealing With Harsh Concussion

By: Cheryl Johnstone


Country Music News

Ashley McBryde is recuperating after taking a nasty spill from a horse while in Montana last week.

She cancelled a few shows at the time, and now it seems she’ll be taking more time off after sharing the details of her injuries with fans on Facebook over the weekend.

Ashley says she was thrown from the horse she was riding which got spooked and she landed on her head.

“After a trip to the ER staples to close my scalp up, the cat scan revealed a pretty harsh concussion.”

Ashley explained that she will be back on stage as soon as possible.

“You know me, I wouldn’t postpone a show for bumps and bruises. But at the moment I am not able to walk without assistance. We are in contact with my doctors and following everything they say seriously. And as soon as I am able to walk across a stage again, that is exactly where you’ll find me.”

CLICK HERE to read her full statement on Facebook.

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