Old Dominion (Photo by Mason Allen)

Old Dominion Fulfills Lifelong Dream

By: Cheryl Johnstone


Country Music News

The guys in Old Dominion recently had the thrill of a lifetime riding with the Blue Angels, the United States Navy flight team.

Flying faster than the speed of sound was a little harrowing for the band, but as Brad Tursi and Matthew Ramsey said, it was definitely a bucket list dream realized.

“Blue Angels, oh my God, a childhood lifelong dream of any age really. (Matthew) Really of, or most men our age for sure who grew up watching Top Gun for sure. But yeah, I mean super, you know I guess you could, pun intended rare air right? (Brad) Yeah very rare. (Matthew) Nobody gets to do what we did, a very few people get to do what we did which was, actually I think we were the first full band to ever be taking taken up with the Blue Angels (Geoff) That’s what they said, yeah. (Matthew) So, absolutely amazing experience.”

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