Maddie & Tae (Photo by Joseph Llanes)

Maddie & Tae Talk Christmas Traditions

By: Cheryl Johnstone


Country Music News

Last year, Maddie & Tae released their first-ever Holiday EP called We Need Christmas.

This time of year is really exciting for both of them, and Maddie said that she and her husband Jonah Font are starting a few Christmas traditions of their own.

“We always get a real tree every year, because Jonah’s a stickler for a real tree thing. We always shave off a little part of the bottom of the tree and make an ornament out of the little thing, so we’ll put the year on all of them and collect them. We’ve actually just started collecting nutcrackers, which is super weird, but we name them all. Oh, and White Elephant. We play White Elephant on the Font side of things, and I always end up with best gifts. Always tag team White Elephant.”

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