Brett Young (Photo courtesy of BMLG)

Brett Young Embracing Being A Girl Dad

By: Cheryl Johnstone


Country Music News

Brett Young and his wife Taylor have two little girls, and the man is loving every minute of it.

In a recent interview, he talked about going full “girl dad” with his two-year-old daughter Presley.

“We’re on a Minnie Mouse phase in my house right now. As if there wasn’t enough pink with me and three girls, everything Minnie Mouse is also pink. Pink and hearts and balloons, and whatever. [We] not in the ‘can I paint your nails’ stage quite yet. I know it’s very close, we just started painting her nails and I know I’m next.”

Brett grew up in Southern California and was obsessed with Disneyland as a kid, so he’ll be encouraging the girls to live their best Disney life.

“[It] like, ‘sure you can put Minnie’s bow in Daddy’s hair . . . that sounds wonderful.'”

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