Dolly Parton Photo by Stacie Huckeba)
Dolly Parton To Offer Catalogue On Vinyl
Dolly Parton is blazing yet another trail as she teams up with Vinyl Me, Please for the first-of-its-kind monthly record club devoted to her impressive catalogue.
Starting in April, Vinyl Me, Parton will give Dolly’s fans a monthly connection with her catalogue on vinyl, with 12 Records of the Month spanning the entirety of Dolly’s recording career.
A dozen albums in the Vinyl Me, Parton campaign will come on exclusive colour vinyl.
Each quarter will feature a free and exclusive Vinyl Me, Parton merch item as well.
“I love listening to records, and to know that fans around the world are discovering music on vinyl is wonderful. I am really happy to see some of my favorite albums that have been out of print on vinyl or were never pressed on vinyl be made available. What’s old is new again!”