Cover art for Dolly Parton’s “Rockstar” album. (Courtesy of www.dollyparton.com)
Dolly Parton Once Autographed A Fan’s Butt
Dolly Parton has been everywhere promoting her album “Rock Star”, which is out November 17th.
CMT got her to sit down long enough to answer a few questions. Here are some highlights.
What’s the strangest rumour she’s heard about herself?
“That I was married to Burt Reynolds, and we had an alien baby. Something like that.”
Dolly and Burt co-starred in “The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas”.
Favourite snack: Potatoes, especially potato chips.
If she got stuck on an elevator with any collaborator on the “Rock Star” album, who would it be?
“Paul McCartney. We’d write some great stuff.”
What’s the funniest or weirdest thing a fan asked her to sign?
“Their butt. And then they got it tattooed. So, then they sit on me all the time. And that’s the truth.”