Garth Brooks (Photo courtesy of Blue Rose Inc.)

Garth Brooks Talks “Rodeo Man”

By: Cheryl Johnstone


Country Music News

Garth Brooks has another #1 hit with “Rodeo Man,” it’s from his new album, Time Traveler.

He wrote it with a couple of good friends, including Ronnie Dunn and says it all started with a text.

“We’ve become texting buddies, Ronnie and I have. And a kind of a friend that was the bridge of ours was Rob Hajacos. Rob Hajacos played fiddle on everything we ever did, [and] back one word. ‘Smash.’ And then I tried to figure out some way to get my foot in the door, and he said, ‘Sure – go ahead and take a shot at it!’ And then what we ended up doing was marrying the two performances.”

“Rodeo Man” – as well as Time Traveler’s other nine songs – can be found in Garth’s new (and final) Limited Series box set.

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