Jelly Roll (Photo by Ashley Osborn)

Dark Times Inspired Jelly Roll

By: Cheryl Johnstone


Country Music News

Jelly Roll has opened up about the inspiration for his music.

During a recent interview with The New York Times, he explained,

“As jovial as I am in real life, the music is a reflection of a very, very dark hallway between my ears. [My] the scariest place on earth for me. I dread going to sleep every night. The ghosts are there.”

Jelly Roll also spoke on being nominated for a Grammy Award.

“My wife asked me that day, ‘What’s this mean to you?’ I was like, ‘There’s no more pinnacle in the music business than when you win a Grammy.’ Even just being nominated supersedes every award I’ve already won. That’s the headline the rest of my life: Grammy-nominated. I’m lying there crying with my wife and we’re looking at all the other nominees. She was like, ‘You’ve got to post about this.’ I was like, too emotional. She was like, ‘When has that stopped you?’ That’s just a good wife.”

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