Kenny Chesney (Phot by Danny Clinch)
Kenny Chesney’s New Album Out Today
Kenny Chesney’s new album “Born” is out today.
It consists of 15 new songs, including his current single, Take Her Home.”
He’s now in rehearsals for his Sun Goes Down tour, which kicks off in Tampa on April 20th, and said that’s where fans will get a chance to hear some of the new music live.
“My new album, Born has been about…almost three years in the making. Without even knowing it, there is a thread of breaking out of the mundane existence in our lives, you know, all these the same neural pathways we travel, whether it’s the same road to work, or it’s the same way we do certain things – you know that can create this mundane existence, and when I first cut the song ‘Born,’ the title track, I thought about that. There’s a song on the record called ‘Just To Say We Did’ that is truly about just that. It’s more about connection actually, and that’s also a big theme of this record. I just felt like those two songs kind of started down that path, and by the time I was done with it, I had four or five songs that felt in that space, you know, of just human connection, living your life to the fullest and breaking out of your mundane existence.”