Reba McEntire (Photo credit Robby Klein)

Reba’s Boyfriend Calls Her “Tater Tot”

By: Cheryl Johnstone


Country Music News

Reba McEntire’s boyfriend has a pet name for her, but it’s not romantic.


Reba and actor Rex Linn met on a movie set in 1991, and were friends for almost 30 years before getting romantically involved.

It happened during dinner with a bunch of friends in 2020, when she felt drawn to him like a “magnet.”

After dinner, they ended up at a wine bar, where Reba ordered tots. Rex told her,

“You know I’m famous for giving people their nicknames and that’s your nickname . . . ‘Tater Tot.'”

She even started calling him “Sugar Tot”.

“We’re the tots . . . sugar and tater. We’ve been together ever since.”

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