Jelly Roll (Photo by Robby Klein)
What To Call Jelly Roll If You Ever Meet Him
Imagine you turn a corner and you see Jelly Roll walking up the sidewalk towards you, how do you address him?
Should you call him “Jelly Roll”? Or “Gelatin”? Or how about “Mr. Roll”?
Turns out, none of these are correct.
Jelly was recently asked this very question.
“If you know me, or you feel like you know me, you call me Jelly. I respond better to Jelly than Jelly Roll. If you say Jelly Roll, I kinda go, ‘Aw [shoot].’ But if someone says, ‘Hey Jelly!’ I think they know me. Delete the ‘Roll’ man.”
So, there you have it. Jelly it is.
In case you were wondering, his real name is Jason DeFord.