Dolly Parton (Photo by Jim Wright)

Dolly Parton Is A Pro At Fending Off Awkward Questions

By: Cheryl Johnstone


Country Music News

Dolly Parton is and always will be the Queen of Country.

Over the years she has fended off some incredibly off-putting comments and questions about her looks, including an interview from 1981 that just resurfaced.

She put an awkward interviewer in his place, while also being genuine and kind the whole time.

At first, the interviewer calls her a “very dramatic looking woman,” and she says that was the plan from the very beginning.

He then asks her if she feels uncomfortable wearing tight clothes, and she matter-of-factly says, “No, I like ’em. I’d feel uncomfortable without them.”

And then she realizes what she said, and follows up with, “You’d be uncomfortable if I didn’t have them on, wouldn’t you?” And has a big laugh.

To which, the interviewer then goes with the obvious perverted thing in the moment and says, “I don’t know . . . Could we find out?”

It could’ve been such an awkward moment, but Dolly’s cute laugh makes the whole thing seem normal.

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