Dolly Parton (Photo by Jim Wright)

The First Song Dolly Parton Ever Wrote Was About A Doll

By: Cheryl Johnstone


Country Music News

Dolly Parton estimates that she has written nearly 3,000 songs in her life, but what was the first one?

She was interviewed by “Wired” and told them…

“Well, the first song was actually before I started writing, before I could even write it down. I was about five years old. I had a little cobb-doll that mama made me, and I named her Tiny Tasseltop, ’cause she had corn tassels for hair. So I wrote a little song, [it], ‘Little Tiny Tasseltop, I love you an awful lot . . . Hope you never go away, I want you to stay’ . . . Tada.”

Here’s Dolly singing that song back in the 8o’s.

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