Jackson Dean (Photo by David McClister)

Jackon Dean Once Dressed Up As Braveheart For Halloween

By: Cheryl Johnstone


Country Music News

Jackson Dean is an old soul whose mind runs deeper than the average 24 year old, and it turns out he’s been ahead of his time since he was a little kid.

Jackson recently reminised about the Halloween costumes he had growing up, and his favorite was one that most kids his age had no clue about because they weren’t allowed to watch the movie at such a young age, but Jackson not only watched it, but fell in love with it.

“My mom, she was one hell of a sewer. She did crochet, just big blankets and stuff, and she sewed me a kilt one year for Halloween, and I went as William Wallace, and I think I was in the third grade. It was really great. None of the other kids got it ’cause they hadn’t seen Braveheart. I was six years old watching Gladiator and Braveheart and Saving Private Ryan and, you know all that stuff. And all the adults and teachers thought it was hysterical, but yeah, none of the other kids got it.”

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