Brantley Gilbert (Photo by Alexa Campbell)

Brantley Gilbert Is Getting Ready To Move

By: Cheryl Johnstone


Country Music News

Brantley Gilbert and his family will be moving into a new house this spring, which means they’ll soon be packing up their house and probably getting rid of some things.

But he’s proud to share that his kids are already well-practiced at donating their toys and things they no longer need or want.

“We’re getting’ ready to move, and we’ve done a little thing with our kids over the last couple of years, it’s been really cool just kind of introducing the idea of giving things to people that don’t have what they have. So, they go through their toys on a regular basis, and whether it’s stuffed animals or go through this closet or go through the playroom and pick the things they truly cherish and what they play with regularly, and everything else they’ve gotten really good about … My son, at first, you know, you’ll go to put somethin’ in the giveaway pile and he’ll go get it and he’ll look at it, and be like, ‘You know what daddy, I don’t need this,’ and he’ll put it back in the giveaway pile. My daughter, she don’t really like partin’ with stuff as easy as he does. But it’s really been a pretty cool process with them to kind of teach them to have a giving heart. It’s pretty rewarding as a dad to have your kids go through a room and just get rid of so much stuff and be able to take it to the church or to the school. It’s been really cool for us.”

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