Billy Ray Cyrus (Photo by Lowfield)
Fans React To Billy Ray Cyrus’ Performance At The Liberty Ball
Billy Ray Cyrus had a disastrous performance at the Liberty Ball for U.S. President Donald Trump’s inauguration.
It was so bad people were wondering if he was okay.
Billy responded and he’s blaming his EQUIPMENT for the rough show.
“I had a ball at the Liberty Ball last night and I’ve learned through all these years when the producer says, ‘You’re on,’ you go entertain the folks even if the equipment goes to hell. I was there for the people, and they had a blast.”
Except, it’s hard to find anyone that’ll admit they had a blast during Billy’s set. Here are some online reactions:
1. “Sad to see Billy so messed up at the Liberty Ball.”
2. “This is an epic disaster.”
3. “Watching Billy Ray Cyrus was heartbreaking.”
4. “Billy Ray’s performance is cringeworthy. Legitimately concerning.”
Billy Ray was also not looking too hot at Trump’s Victory Rally on Sunday night.