Jackson Dean (Photo by David McClister)
Moving To Nashville Was Bittersweet For Jackson Dean
When Jackson Dean decided to make the move to Nashville from Annapolis, Maryland, it was bittersweet for him.
On one hand, he was on his way to fulfilling his dream of singing country music for a living, but on the other hand, after graduating high school, he had really worked on his family relationships with his parents and his siblings, and as a young man, things couldn’t have been better on the home front.
“The morning that I left on a Saturday morning, that was hard. That was really hard. I had just gotten to a point where I literally had everything in the palm of my hand on the home front side of things. And it was hard to leave behind a life that I had literally carved out. You know, that was hard. But once I got 500 miles in, I was like, hell yeah! I’ve got everything that I own in the back of my truck right now and I’m doing 90 miles an hour down the highway on a mountaintop headed to Nashville. Hell yeah.”