Tucker Wetmore (Photo by Jarrod Anthonee)

Pam Tillis Mixes Up Tucker Wetmore And Riley Green

By: Cheryl Johnstone


Country Music News

Country star Pam Tillis was onstage at a Grand Ole Opry event next to Tucker Wetmore, and going on and on about what a great talent he is.

The only problem was, she thought he was Riley Green.

To be fair, they both have a mustache and are tall and handsome. But the whole thing was awkward, and in front of a live audience too.

She first starts telling everyone how much she loves the new video Tucker did, and he even says, “Thank you”. But then it reached full-cringe when she introduced Tucker as, quote, “Mr. Riley Green everybody.”

That’s when Tucker said, “My name is Tucker Wetmore.” To which Pam later responded, “Well, I haven’t seen your video.” Yikes.

Riley was onstage much further down, and jumped in to try and smooth it over by saying, “Thank you for the nice things you said about me.” But it was too little, too late.

Pam ended it with, “I told my management I should’ve worn my glasses.”

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