

You know the old saying, “Friends shouldn’t lend friends money”.
Or wait, is that even saying? Or am I just broke all the time, and can’t lend friends money?

Either way, there may be some wisdom in that old saying that may or may not be a figment of my own poverty…
According to a new survey, if you’re an average person…you lend your friend,  on average $457 EVERY YEAR –
and it never gets paid back.

Over a quarter of us… 1 in 4…. say we’ve gotten into a serious argument with a friend over a loan
and some of us have even lost that friend over the fight.. which centers around… money.

So, that’s on average.. $457 over the course of the year… of money we spot to our friends….
and never see it again… the money, or sometimes even the friend…..

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