© Can Stock Photo / koldunova_anna
Parental-Units Of Genius?
So, earlier, we posted on the facebook wall, a remote controlled miniature monster truck with a snow shovel attached – making driveway clearing look FUN
for once. And since we’re not being promised any snow in the immediate future, if you still have some leaves lying around – take a look at the LEAF BLOWER mobile.
Again.. I wish for a time machine, to go back and suggest this to my 5 year old self…
start the seasonal lawn and driveway business 5 years early.. really save up and invest,
drop 80 % into bank drafts, with rolling dividends, and the other 20% into an RRSP.
In reality though, my 5 yr old self would have viewed the video, and gone right back
to watching He-Man/ G-Force/ GI Joe/ Transformers/ Karate Kid – in that order.