Swap Shop
Looking to buy or sell on CHOK? Swap Shop is now exclusively on line.
We now keep your items on the page for 3 weeks. To have an item removed please send us instructions to [email protected]
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for the weekend of Friday, March 28th, 2025
(NEW) LOOKING TO SELL: 2 large dark wood picture frames with inside frame to accommodate 10 1/2 x 13 1/2
photo and 2 dark wood frames l1 1/2 wide and 11 1/2 long – like new condition. Asking $ 25.00
for all four frames. Call 519–337 -3445.
(1 WEEK AGO) LOOKING TO SELL: Sears Craftsman mitre saw, ten inch blade. Good condition, and runs well. $75.00 (519) 402-2306
(1 WEEK AGO) WANTING TO BUY: a large weight driven wall clock, the bigger and older the better, working or not and clock tools. Also looking for a rototiller for the garden, call 519 384 3663.
(1 WEEK AGO) LOOKING TO SELL: Krug 39″ single bed. Headboard, footboard, rails. Wooden. Brown in colour.
$25 or best offer. (519) 464-6451
(1 WEEK AGO) LOOKING TO SELL: 2019 Legend aluminium ATV trailer, holds up to 3 machines, excellent condition.
Parting out 27 foot C&C sailboat, numerous sails. Has furling jib, steering wheel, Good atomic – 4 motor. (519) 328-8708
(2 WEEKS AGO) LOOKING TO SELL: Bakers Rack with glass shelving. Antique finishing in excellent condition. Asking $75.00 (519) 330-5062
Items shown for 4 days after posting
FLEA MARKET: The flea market folks on Christina st. (kitty corner to the post office) are looking for more customers,Sundays. 9:00 till 4:00.